Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Save Money on Car Insurance

post1.jpgYour vehicle is one of the most important and expensive investment you will make in your life. In order to get the best protection for your investment in case of accidents and to make sure that you are financial secured against unforeseen liabilities, here are some Car Insurance Basics to help you the best coverage for your money:
1.Compare not only the prices but the company as well - this is probably the first and most important step of all. Remember, you have to know how dependable the insurance provider is, after all, they will be providing your protection. Make a smart decision not only based on prices but also how effective the company is when it comes to enforcing its policies.
2.What is the real market value of your car – usually, claims are paid based on the actual value of the vehicle. If you own an older car, it may be wiser to get a new car than spend more on premium payments for your depreciated car.
3.Deductibles matter – for example, if you raise deductible from $200 to $500, the cost of premium for Collision and Comprehensive will go down about 15% to 30%.
4.Examine your coverage – sometimes we tend to over compensate and get additional coverage that we really do not need. Premiums are based on what your policy covers so it is not wise to have reimbursement for rentals when you do not rent a car that often.
5.Always keep your coverage updated - always updated your provider with anything that is happening in relation with your car. It may help you to get a lower risk classification on your renewal.

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